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The Everyday Feminist

The Everyday Feminist

By Stephanie Heck and Lois Volta

Equality starts at home.
Let the hosts of “The Everyday Feminist” show you how being mindful of the simple acts of daily life can change your relationships for the better!

With: Lois Volta, owner and operator of the feminist domestics firm Volta Naturals, and author of “Confessions of a Cleaning Woman” -and- clinical psychologist, teacher, mentor, and executive advisor, Dr. Stephanie Heck.

"The Everyday Feminist" airs live weekly on Sundays from 5-6pm on G-town Radio in Philadelphia. It can be heard on the air at 92.9FM, online at, and on most podcast platforms.
Currently playing episode

The Cycle of Experience: Use Your Awareness to Make Change

The Everyday FeministMay 01, 2024

The Cycle of Experience: Use Your Awareness to Make Change

The Cycle of Experience: Use Your Awareness to Make Change

Gestalt theory offers a way of looking at how people can change through their interactions with their environment: the cycle of experience. In this episode, Lois explains how this model can be used to change how we experience housework and caring for our homes and relationships. She and co-host Stephanie explore the stages people go through as they see what is, imagine what could be, and integrate new actions. If you are feeling stuck or unmotivated, this episode is for you!

May 01, 202456:03
Men Should Smile More

Men Should Smile More

Research shows that women smile more than men. Why does this happen and what does it mean? In this episode, Lois and Stephanie review a large metaanalytic study involving all scientific data on gender and smiling. They go point-by-point thrugh the findings in order to understand the circumstances under which women smile more and men smile less and and those where men and women smile equally. Check it out.
Mar 22, 202457:32
Want an Equal Marriage? Get a Divorce.

Want an Equal Marriage? Get a Divorce.

According to Lyz Lenz, in America, marriage is "a relationship made unequal not by accident, but as a function of a society that relies on inequality to fill in the gaps that it refuses to fund--childcare, eldercare." In this episode, Stephanie and Lois discuss the newly-released, powerfully candid book, "This American Ex-Wife," emphasizing its instant resonance not just with them and this show, but with women everywhere. (Within one week of its release, it made the NY Times top-10 best-seller list.)
Mar 08, 202457:40
Nothing To Say

Nothing To Say

"But I don't have anything to say."
In this episode, hosts Stephanie and Lois explore the meaning of non-responsive silences, often by men toward women, by asking, what is someone really saying when they say they have nothing to say?
Mar 01, 202455:35
Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day

Love: Brought To You By Valentine's Day. In this February-14th-inspired episode, Lois and Stephanie reflect on Valentine's Day and discuss the varying ways it's viewed in American culture. They ask, is it a sweet day for showing genuine love and affection, or is it a heteronormative, capitalistic, sexist pseudo-holiday? (Or is it just a day for kids?) And, also: What exactly is love anyway? Check it out.
Feb 13, 202454:34
Keep Going, with Feminist Singer-Songwriter, Shilpa Ray

Keep Going, with Feminist Singer-Songwriter, Shilpa Ray

Connecting with song lyrics can be both powerful and healing. In this episode, Lois and Stephanie talk to NYC-based singer-songwriter Shilpa Ray about the fiercely resonant lyrics of the songs in her album "Portrait of a Lady." Shilpa describes the inspiration for the album, the stories behind each song, the critical role of truth and honesty in social change, and the necessity of pressing on.

*be advised this episode contains explicit language

Jan 23, 202401:07:43
Words We’re Sick Of: The Feminist Pessimist Killjoy Episode

Words We’re Sick Of: The Feminist Pessimist Killjoy Episode

The meaning of a word can sometimes depend on the context in which it’s stated. In this episode, Lois and Stephanie talk about well-intentioned but now-aggravating words that, to them at least, have been corrupted by mis- and over-use.
Jan 16, 202454:50
Unconditional Love

Unconditional Love

Is unconditional love a basic emotion, a sweet fantasy, a birthright, or a spiritual achievement? And how does the expectation of condition-free love show up in our relationships, for better or worse? In this episode, hosts Stephanie and Lois explore their thoughts on unconditional love, asking whether or not love should, if fact, have conditions.

Dec 13, 202357:50
Single, Dating, Married, Divorced (or None of the Above)

Single, Dating, Married, Divorced (or None of the Above)

Why aren't people dating and getting married at the same rates as before? Why do women get told, instead of asked, what the problem is? In this episode, hosts Stephanie and Lois explore the social and psychological issues that play out in modern relationships.
Dec 07, 202353:51


One of the best parts of Thanksgiving, many would say, is the leftovers. In this episode, Lois and Stephanie discuss common Thanksgiving Leftover Fantasies and go on to explore the underlying gender dynamics of food, cooking, and feeding. It’s important to notice who feeds whom, and to make sure that everyone, especially the cook, is getting fed.
Nov 30, 202353:51
Gratitude, Toxic Positivity, and Denial: How To Be Truly Thankful

Gratitude, Toxic Positivity, and Denial: How To Be Truly Thankful

Thankfulness is in focus at this time of year. In this episode, Stephanie and Lois explore the secret to finding, feeling, and practicing deep gratitude…and explain why we must do it.
Nov 23, 202355:07
Quitting the Blame Game

Quitting the Blame Game

Not every problem has to be someone’s fault. In this episode, Lois and Stephanie explore the human tendency to assign blame, either to ourselves or others, even when it’s not necessary. What’s *that* about?
Nov 14, 202355:05
The Problem with Individualism

The Problem with Individualism

To have better relationships, we have to step out of ourselves to imagine what it is like to be someone else. In this episode, Lois and Stephanie explore the (very) American notion if individualism. They discuss how it develops, what function it serves, it’s potentially detrimental consequences, and how we can overcome it to build fulfilling alliances at home and elsewhere.
Oct 28, 202358:27
Redefining Masculinity, with author JJ Bola

Redefining Masculinity, with author JJ Bola

“Why are we doing this?” is a question JJ Bola encourages men to ask themselves and each other. He joins Stephanie and Lois from London to discuss his powerful and important book, written for men, “Mask Off: Masculinity Redefined.” Together, they explore his views on the social construct of maleness and his thoughts on how a little self-reflection can give men the power to live fuller, more connected lives. You’ll want to share this episode with everyone you know! (Find Mr. Bola online at:
Oct 04, 202301:01:26
“Mean” Girls?

“Mean” Girls?

If someone’s feelings are hurt by something you say, does that make you “mean”? Or does it make the hurt person “sensitive”? Or does it reflect another dynamic altogether? In this episode, Stephanie and Lois talk about perceptions (and misperceptions) of female meanness and what it says about how women are experienced by others, and how they, in turn, experience themselves.
Sep 13, 202301:00:53
Relinquishing Privilege

Relinquishing Privilege

Being born male has advantages. In this episode, hosts Lois and Stephanie review some of the benefits of being a man, and explore ways men can make more room at the table for women…or not.
Aug 16, 202301:01:20
A Good Man

A Good Man

What qualities come to mind when you think of a “good man”? In this episode, hosts Lois and Stephanie review a list of internet-generated qualities to see if they agree with its conception of a “good man.” (Nice Surprise: it turns out the list is not gender-specific.)
Aug 10, 202301:03:14
Speaking Up

Speaking Up

For women, saying what you mean is often complicated by gender and relationship dynamics. In this episode, Stephanie and Lois disentangle the common experience many women have when they speak up and offer ways that men and women can shift this dynamic to create unbreakable relationships.
Aug 01, 202358:32
Barbie and Ken

Barbie and Ken

The new feminist satire film "Barbie" has caused quite a stir in theaters and on the internet. In this episode, hosts Lois and Stephanie discuss what they each loved about the layers and themes in movie...and then go on to give several solid reasons why every *man* out there should go watch it right now!
(Spoiler alert! This movie is described in detail, so you may want to watch it before you listen.)
Jul 28, 202358:26
Playing the Victim

Playing the Victim

Have you ever been told to stop “acting like a victim”? In this episode, Stephanie and Lois deconstruct the idea of victimhood, exploring how being accused of “playing the victim” actually victimizes women.
Jul 18, 202356:02


Women commonly have no choice but to do more than one thing at a time, often without conscious choice or awareness. In this episode, hosts Stephanie and Lois explore the complex underpinnings of women's multitasking...and discuss ways to still find joy at moments when it becomes overwhelming.
Jun 07, 202358:21
Help Her!

Help Her!

Sometimes, women need encouragement...and other times, they need HELP. In this episode, hosts Lois and Stephanie talk about the importance of listening to women when they tell you what they need (and then giving it to them)!
May 24, 202357:32
The Impossibility of “Making Time”

The Impossibility of “Making Time”

Mothers notoriously have no time-even on Mother’s Day. In this episode, hosts Stephanie and Lois explore the busy lives of mothers and the impossibility of “making the time” to do it all.
May 22, 202301:00:07
How Do You Define “Femininity”?

How Do You Define “Femininity”?

In this episode-Lois and Stephanie discuss a question that was recently trending on social media: “Men, what feminine qualities turn you on?” They look to the answers to this question to see if (1) they can figure out what the men who replied consider to be “feminine” and (2) to see if they agree. Check it out!
May 10, 202301:00:35


Not giving someone what they want can be hard, especially when you have been socialized to prioritize the comfort of others. In this episode, Lois and Stephanie explore the difficulties that women, in particular, have with saying “no”…and offer some ways that women can overcome them!
Apr 04, 202301:02:10
Managing Clutter!

Managing Clutter!

Caring for the home is an equal opportunity job—anyone can do it! Check out this episode to learn some mental, emotional, psychological, and practical tips and tricks for getting your home organized, so you can feel good living in it!
Mar 16, 202358:06
What Women Could Do (...if they weren't so busy taking care of you!)

What Women Could Do (...if they weren't so busy taking care of you!)

In honor of Women's Day, hosts Lois and Stephanie explore the cost to society of women's inability to take the space they need to reach their potential. They examine the question of what would happen if, instead, women played an ongoing game of "patriarchy chicken" - and did not sacrifice themselves in service of others.
Mar 09, 202301:01:37
Healthy Seduction: How to Get -and keep- Your Girl

Healthy Seduction: How to Get -and keep- Your Girl

Lois and Stephanie revamped the list of abusive “seduction” techniques described in their last episode to include healthy, enjoyable (and even exciting!) legitimate methods of healthy seduction and relatedness. Check it out and spread the love!
Mar 03, 202301:01:54
Close Encounters with "The Art of Seduction" (Valentine's Edition)

Close Encounters with "The Art of Seduction" (Valentine's Edition)

Robert Greene's disturbing book, "The Art of Seduction," has likely contributed to the unhealthy relational dynamics between men and women. In today's special Valentine's episode, Lois and Stephanie deconstruct this dangerous "art", offering insight into the ways in which it misuses psychological phenomena to do more harm than good, especially to women. If you have been strategically manipulated, ghosted, gaslit, or confused--this may help you understand why. (Hint: It's not you.)
Feb 14, 202357:50
Talking: Don't Leave the Chat

Talking: Don't Leave the Chat

Any relationship expert will tell you that good communication is the key to a healthy relationship. But what, exactly, is good communication? In this episode, Stephanie and Lois discuss the technical side of talking and texting, and explore how to create satisfying reciprocal conversations at home and beyond.
Jan 18, 202350:32
A Walk in the Park (...but not after dark)

A Walk in the Park (...but not after dark)

The majority of women don't feel safe walking after dark.  And on short winter days, when the sun sets early, women tend to feel even more vulnerable.  In this episode, hosts Stephanie and Lois discuss women's fears and their right to basic safety--both outside and inside the home.  They also offer up some ideas about how male allies can help women feel (and be) more secure.   

Jan 09, 202357:18
Just Do It: Overcoming Excuses

Just Do It: Overcoming Excuses

What excuses keep you from making your new year’s resolutions happen? Do you get caught up in a cycle of “trying” that, ironically, keeps you stuck? If so, listen in as Lois and Stephanie explore ways that you can turn your trying in doing in 2023!
Jan 03, 202351:59
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year?

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year?

Creating *holiday magic* takes planning, effort, and persistence. In this episode, hosts Lois and Stephanie sift through the mountain of added mental, emotional, and physical work that women do around the holidays...and offer some suggestions for how to shift the holiday experience from full-of-woe to full-of-wonder.
Dec 15, 202253:09
Investing Effort

Investing Effort

Curating a holiday experience for others to enjoy often represents the effortful work of women. In preparation for Thanksgiving, Lois and Stephanie explore the concept of domestic and relational effort: what it means, who provides it, why it gets avoided, and how it can be reframed to better serve us all.
Nov 21, 202251:56
Strategic Incompetence

Strategic Incompetence

Do you sometimes feel cursed by your own competence?  Can you get things done when no one else seems able to, leaving you doing all the work?  If so, then this episode is for you.  Lois and Stephanie deconstruct strategic maneuvers of incompetence that people use to keep competent, conscientious women overworked, tired, frustrated, and feeling invisible. They also explore some ways out of this dynamic and into more harmonious and balanced relationships.  

Nov 07, 202258:20


"Not ALL men don't do the dishes."  What makes men need to be the exception to the rule when women share their experiences of men?  In this episode, Stephanie and Lois attempt to sort out the quandary of what makes male self-reflection seem so hard to come by.  Check it out! 

Oct 13, 202259:39


"We have begun to raise our daughters to be more like sons.  But few have the courage to raise our sons to be more like daughters."  -Gloria Steinam

Under a patriarchal system, as boys develop, they are encouraged away from warmth, relating, and emotional awareness/expression, and equality, and are instead encouraged toward power, dominance, anger, and hierarchy.  In this episode, hosts Lois and Stephanie use bell hooks' book "The Will To Change" to frame a discussion the damage patriarchy does to both men and women...and what we can all do to stop it.  

Sep 27, 202258:08
Rethinking "Self-Care"

Rethinking "Self-Care"

In the US today, women are frequently instructed (often with good intentions) to take better care of themselves. In this episode, hosts Lois and Stephanie break-down the concept of "self-care": is it a helpful suggestion and sign of support, or is it an impossible capitalistic Western oxymoron? Check it out and see what you think!
Sep 16, 202255:50
Feminizing Forgiveness

Feminizing Forgiveness

We all make mistakes in our relationships. However, in relationships between men and women, women are generally thought to be the caretakers and healers of relational problems. In this episode, hosts Stephanie and Lois discuss the unnecessary feminizing of forgiveness and explore ways that our daily actions at home can close the empathy gender gap.
Aug 30, 202256:51
Women’s Hermaneutic Labor Goes Far Beyond the Mental Load

Women’s Hermaneutic Labor Goes Far Beyond the Mental Load

"Hermeneutic Labor" is a new concept described by modern feminist philosopher, Ellie Anderson. It describes the multilevel, multisensory, anticipatory relational maintenance work that women routinely and unconsciously do on behalf of men. In this episode, Lois and Stephanie break down hermeneutic labor and discuss it's widely-accepted everyday counterpart, women's intuition.
Aug 22, 202257:13
Hear Me: The Power of Understanding

Hear Me: The Power of Understanding

In the second episode of the "Equal Relationships" series, hosts Lois and Stephanie discuss the many levels of of UNDERSTANDING that women want and need in their relationships...and they review the many simple ways that you can give it to them. Why? Because The Everyday Feminist craves understanding and the empathy, love, concern, care, and, ultimately, respect that it demonstrates. ❤️
Jul 26, 202259:55
Women’s Freedom

Women’s Freedom

In light of the US Supreme Court's recent eradication of women's reproductive rights, The Everyday Feminist has been wondering...what does it mean for a woman to be "independent" when her freedom is being restricted? To answer this question, hosts Lois and Stephanie explore qualities associated with independence - and the cultural double-bind that surrounds independence for women. They also come up with ways that women can reassert their rights and strengthen their voices - through equality at home!
Jul 04, 202256:49
Helping With The Chores: Domestic Support At Home and Beyond

Helping With The Chores: Domestic Support At Home and Beyond

We all need to be supported in different ways and to different degrees.  In this episode, hosts Lois and Stephanie discuss relational & domestic support -- including how to give it, how to get it, and how it can benefit us all.  If you need more support in your life, if you want to learn more about how to be a support for someone else, or if you want some tips for building a supportive community--then this is the episode for you!

May 17, 202257:53
No Woman Should Be Forced Into Motherhood - with Author and Women's Liberation Organizer, Jenny Brown

No Woman Should Be Forced Into Motherhood - with Author and Women's Liberation Organizer, Jenny Brown

The Everyday Feminist cannot ignore the current threat to legal abortion in America, not even on Mother's Day.  In this special episode, hosts Lois Volta and Stephanie Heck speak with guest, abortion policy expert and author of "Labor Strike" and "Without Apology: The Abortion Struggle Now," Jenny Brown. They discuss the history, future, and role of abortion in America, as well as the collective power we have to change course.  If you want to know the behind-the-scenes story of what the abortion debate is really about, and what you can do about it, then you don't want to miss this powerful episode. 

May 09, 202257:49
Domestic Equality Takes On "The Angel of the House"

Domestic Equality Takes On "The Angel of the House"

Welcome to the inaugural episode of The Everyday Feminist!  Press "play" to meet your hosts, Domestic Consultant and Entrepreneur, Lois Volta, and Clinical Psychologist, Dr. Stephanie Heck...and to learn what the show is all about.  Who is The Everyday Feminist? What does she stand for? And how can we all learn from her? Listen in and let her give you permission to speak out!

Apr 26, 202256:25